

Desktop Edition

Desktop Usage, with more apps and features

ConceptMX 3 - Desktop Edition

Server Edition

For Server contexts, include less apps and more lite space.

ConceptMX 3 - Server Edition

General Informations

sudo minstall

sudo dpkg-reconfigure xrdp

sudo bash /bin/scr/apply-base-paks

System Informations Details (SID)

Based on 1 : Debian 12.5 (via MXLinux 23.5)[BOOKWORM]
Based on 2 : MXLinux 23.5
Default shell for SKEL : FiSH with custom header
SSH : Disabled by default, use `sudo apt install ssh -y` to enable it.
SFTP : Same as SSH
Cockpit : https://localhost:9090, accept the cert to access. Custom theme.
Codename : Astronaut (3.0.*)

This Distro will not be updated like mainstream distros. But i'ts regularly updated within (because based on Debian) and you can use Gnome Software also to check this.

Coming Soon also...


For problems with this variant of MXLinux 23.5, if it concern the base system or MX tools, visit MX Forums and ask for informations. "It does'nt work" is not sufficient !

For problems with Tyleo's scripts or concept, contact me via mail address.